Monday, November 3, 2014

A new day

As yesterday I attended a new membership class at the "Spirit of Hope MCCKC" where I attend church to transfer my membership from California.  It was a great class and now I really have settled down in Kansas City.

Today is a start of my new mission to making life better for me. This week will be the hardest because on November 8th, it will be my late partner George's two year anniversary which he has passed. I know it is not what anyone expect when losing a love one but thinking positive is the only thing I can do at the moment. Starting a blog and writing things down makes things a lot easier.

I am expecting and waiting for my sister to bring my nephews over because she needs a baby sitter and than I'll have to go to her house and watch all her other kids after school is over.  Yes it will be a busy day and I am not ready for it but I have to do what I can to help others.  Even in the mist of hurting I still find time to help others in their needs before mine.  I don't know if that is a great thing to do but this is how I am handling the situation of being a gay widower.  I don't know anyone else that has lost their spouse and has moved on with their lives.

Sounds like they are here so I better get going.  Until later.

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