Monday, November 3, 2014

Full time RVing

I have been wondering if I should go back being a full time RVer.  It has been 9 months since I moved into the house I am currently living in.  I enjoyed being a full-time RVer which I've been for 4 years and wondering if that's what I want to get back to.  The only thing is now that I don't have a vehicle to move my 38 foot travel trailer around so it sits on my property at a lake community. Since my late partner passed and the truck had to go back to the bank, I don't know anyone who has a big truck who can move it around, I have been working hard and almost completed an enclosed porch to it so I have a larger living-room. But I miss being on the road.

In the next couple of days I will have to winterize my trailer since I will not be living in it this year. It will be strange being in a house when the snow gets here. I know it's going to be warmer in the house but normally we went to California desert for the winter. Even though it was a dry camping ground we got use to the same people every year at the camp ground and it was fun.  The holidays everyone got together and celebrated the holidays with fun games. Last year I spent the holidays alone at the lake community and this year will be the same even though I moved to the city, I don't know much people here and I'm not a bar person so it's harder to make friends beyond church.  I spend my time just baby sitting and working in the yard. It would be fun if I found someone who also has a motor-home or a trailer that will be on the road for the holidays. I guess one day I will be on the road again. Only time will tell.  I also have a 22 foot motor-home but it's not street legal yet because there are things that need to be down with it. It cost money and on social security income, things moves slow since I've been working on my big rig. Can't wait until I have the funds to get that 22 foot motor-home on the road again and life will be grand.

A new day

As yesterday I attended a new membership class at the "Spirit of Hope MCCKC" where I attend church to transfer my membership from California.  It was a great class and now I really have settled down in Kansas City.

Today is a start of my new mission to making life better for me. This week will be the hardest because on November 8th, it will be my late partner George's two year anniversary which he has passed. I know it is not what anyone expect when losing a love one but thinking positive is the only thing I can do at the moment. Starting a blog and writing things down makes things a lot easier.

I am expecting and waiting for my sister to bring my nephews over because she needs a baby sitter and than I'll have to go to her house and watch all her other kids after school is over.  Yes it will be a busy day and I am not ready for it but I have to do what I can to help others.  Even in the mist of hurting I still find time to help others in their needs before mine.  I don't know if that is a great thing to do but this is how I am handling the situation of being a gay widower.  I don't know anyone else that has lost their spouse and has moved on with their lives.

Sounds like they are here so I better get going.  Until later.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Life as a single gay guy

It's been two years since my late partner passed and today is a new start as I attend membership classes at church (Spirit of Hope MCCKS) to plant my religious belief. This will start a brand new life for me and hopefully I'll be ready to start living again. It's time to meet new friends and making new memories. I AM READY.

  Matthew 11:28-30  Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Read more:

The holidays are upon us and I need to start planning to enjoy life as everyone else does. Living in the city now might be a great thing where all the action is.  The cold weather is upon us and Fall Season has begun.  I am excited to see what's the next step in my life.