Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Seeing things in a different light

Have you ever thought of seeing things differently? I mean, if you could change things that has already happened?

As we get older we tend to review what we have done in the past and double check to see if we did the right thing. I for one have made or choose things that I am not proud of.  I know I've done good things that made me for who I am but there are situations which I could do over. Don't get me wrong, I would not change my past because I have no regrets but recently, I have not made the right choices. This makes me wonder why am I trying to hard to hold on things that will never be.  Have you ever tried to keep something or hold on to something that will never be? Also, have you ever wish that there was a second chance to make it right?

As I review the past, I really haven't known or seen anyone who tried to recover in things which went wrong and succeeded. Trying to do it yourself, sometimes does not work because you might need help or it takes two to complete the task. In humanity, lots of people really don't want to make the effort on trying to make things right.  I know of some selective people will do so because they know if we don't make things right, than we would never know.  For instance, my late partner would make sure we would not go to bed without talking about any issues we would have for that day. It sounds simple but it takes two and if I would not respond, I would be making it harder for both of us. Yes, I said both of us because when you wake up the next morning we will still have to deal the issue on hand. Do you like to have a fresh start or do you tend to deal with the stress the next day? I hope you choose the fresh start. Everyone is different but hopefully you are handling any situation correctly,

I hope one day I will be able to talk or deal with issues that needs to be done.  I know I have flaws in my personality but not everyone have gotten to see the real me.  I normally tend to put up walls to protect me until I know it is safe.  As everyone does,  they tend to try to protect themselves but that could hurt you too. So in life, there are times when you feel life you should have just given it your all and see what happens.  Who knows, it could be good or it could be bad.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Changing Churches

How do you decide on making a change to another church?

Today I have decided to make a change to go to another church from the denomination I have been going for years.  Have you made a change of where you worship? I know there's several other churches that I can attend but I'm not sure what denomination they are.  Since Kansas and Missouri are in the bible belt, I know there's a place that I will feel welcome.

Will this be the right move for me? I am not sure but for personal reasons I have to make a change  to keep a positive attitude towards church. When in life things happen, you need to do something to correct any issues that arises.  I am not sure leaving the church for personal reasons counts as an issue but this time it has to happen. Note: there is nothing wrong with the church I am currently attending,  it's just my prerogative to leave.

 Making a new start will be the best thing I ever do.  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our hearts: how much can we handle

How much can our hearts handle? How strong is our hearts?

Today, this is what I have been thinking about.  How much can our own hearts handle stress or sympathy for others? As I receive a call this morning from a friend who has been hurting and wanted to be consoled by me. I am a good listener and a good friend.  I know there are times as a friend you can't do anything but listen to that person. Do you listen to your friends to help them through tough times?

After several hours listening to this person, I have come to reality that I have not only have the burden of my own situation but I've added several different situations from others to my already hurting heart. I understand that everyone needs a outlet to express themselves but where does it stop for me? This morning she really needed to vent her frustration which was fine for me but now I feel the pain she is going through.  She is not the only one I have been dealing with and as time progressed, I have built up other stress to my heart. As I have listened to others as their outlet, now I don't have an outlet to express the pain that has been added.  Yes, I have friends but not someone I really have faith in to guide me through things to make it better. What is your secret on handling yours and other peoples stress or worries?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Unease feelings

Have you ever feel unease about something?

As I work on my computer today, I have this strange feeling something is going to happen or has happened to someone I know. Today I have this nervous feeling that I can't sake.  I know I've been helping a buddy for the past couple of days and today I'm not able to get any contact with this person. I am hoping that it's not my friend but it makes me wonder why I'm having this weird feeling.  Has this sort of thing happened to you?  What do you do about it? Or do you just wait to find out?


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Humans best friends

Life is so strange on how we depend on our animals to have as a companion.

More and more these days we as humans depend on animals to be our companion. It's not like having a human mate to be a companion which it is not the same but older people and/or single people depend on having an animal by their side to keep them going through life.  I know couples (spouses/significant others) who have to rely on animals to keep that special spark in life and it's not wrong.  As a single person, I too have a little dog who is always by my side and I wouldn't change it.

The sad part is, what happens when your special pet dies? Animals don't have family members that can console you when your pet companion dies or will steer you in the right direction, but more and more people struggles through the same situation when this happens. I don't know if there's any group that helps people get through their grieving of their pets. Do they have such thing? When older or people who depends on these animals a lot to get through life and their special pet dies, part of them dies too (like a spouse or a great friend).  Recently I've seen and heard of people struggling because of a lost of their best friend (their pet) and things don't go well, My little heart hurts to hear such thing. What can you do? You can't bring their pets back. You can't fill the whole in their hearts. What do you do?

Pets plays a major part in society which people takes for granted. We as pet owners try to make sure our pets are well taken cared of. But there are some bad apples out there that makes it worst for pet owners. Pet cruelty is nothing to laugh about, it is a serious thing to remember. Most of all pets touches lots of people in many ways. Please be sympathetic to people who is going through or has gone through a lost of a pet.  Pets are important.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Spending time with the in-laws

How do you feel about spending time with the in-laws?

As I spend my time with my late partners siblings today, it reminds me of my late partner.  The siblings are here with all their spouses and children. Even though being around a lot of people, I wonder how good is it for me? Since my relationship has been taken away from me and I am still a major part of my in-laws lives.  I wonder why would it bring back memories /feelings I've had hidden behind a wall that I built since my life changed. Have you dealt with similar situations?

 It is a sad day when you haven't moved on and still have these feelings still within you. I guess if I was in another relationship, things would not be as bad but I'm not.  I know everyone grieves differently and it may take time to move on but when you are faced with the memories facing you in front of you, it's tough. How do you deal with it? I thought things would get easier as time progress forward but how long will this feelings go on? As I started another friendship with someone else which became a short lived one, I thought that it would have been a start of recovery but when that ended I think it became even worst.  As much as you try and fool your feelings, it does not work. One day at a time... This is all I can say this situation. Good luck.


Friday, February 6, 2015

Great future

Do you ever feel like the future will be great from now on?

As I go through today like any other day, I feel positive that the changes in my life has made me feel better for the future.  I've started more and more liking the path I am heading for.  Do you sometimes question the past you are going through? Things happens for a reason and there is no answer why it happened but it did. Just go with it.

Yesterday I lifted a big burden that was on my shoulders for a while but today it has made a difference for me. I feel like the heaviness has been removed from the path and I now can move forward without looking back. Have you ever felt that way? It really feels good and no one can take that away from me. I know in my mind that things comes full circle but I will cross that path if it should ever come full circle. I have nothing to lose at this point in my life. Things only can get better. Be strong and do what you need to do to for a brighter future.  This is what I'm doing.

So go out there and make things happen in your life.  Grab your future by the hand and make it so.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Commercials and Shows

Darn commercials and TV shows.  As we get closer to February 14th (Valentine's Day) the commercials and shows starts their romantic series. As a single person, do you hate when these shows and commercial reflect all romantic themes? Yes I said "hate". 

Last night every show I watched had some sort of romance in it; The only thing that caught my attention which I am not sure if it's true because it has never not happened to me.  These people who broke up tend to go on as friends and not have any hangups on what went wrong. Even though in the back of their minds they keep wondering of the past but it does not hold them back from going on with the present. As a person who has been in a relationship before, I try always kept friends with my exes til today.  I try not to keep friendship from a far. If they came into your life, there is a reason for them being there. Do you walk away from a friend once your relationship ends? Or do you try to be friends?

This is time of the year love is in the air because of all the promotions that are staring in our faces. It is good for people who are in a relationship but for us single people we have to see all these things and wonder what if? Or what can we do to enjoy this special day for couples as a single person.  Since it's has been a few years for me, I tend to stay home and watch some sort of funny show.  This year I thought it would have been different but things did not workout in my favor. I was really looking forward for Valentine's Day and figuring out how I would celebrate it. As faith intervened, I am still single. So a night of funny movies will in my future.  How do you spend your Valentine's Day? Do you just go out and enjoy it anyway?   Or are you like me and just chill out at home.  How ever you enjoy that day, make it a great one.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Looking through a glass window

Do you ever think you are looking through glass windows when it comes to life?

As I sit here looking out the window into our somewhat nice weather. I wonder does other people stand outside of my life looking in? I keep wondering if there's people who are looking at me and wondering what is going on with me. Our lives are not like windows but we are translucent to others. Our action and mentality shows through us. Yes there are times when we are not translucent because we are afraid or can't figure out the next person.  If you spend enough time with that person, you'll see that they are not what you thought they were. Or they are more than what you have hoped for. We all like to look at other people and form our own opinion of others but opinion is just that "your opinion". Do you form an opinion of others before you really get to know the person?

Now in my older years, I tend to just go with flow.  I try not to make any opinion of others because somehow I always get it wrong. I try my hardest to treat everyone as equal because we are. Looking through life, I am not the greatest or perfect person but I have one thing I can say, I treat life with great respect. I thank God every morning I get up and thank God for the day I've had. As a single person, we are missing the family gathering or support from family members but God is always there to fill the missing aspect of our life. Don't get me wrong, this is the longest I've ever been single since I was 25 years old but I'm holding on to my faith, God will find the right person to fill the empty part of my life. As for now, God will be that person. I will never replace God but one day my life will be filled with happiness and joy once again.

Do you just look through windows to see how others live there lives? Or do you do something to make things happen for you? I know several people who just tend to let life pass them by. If I had the ability to make people happy, I want to help you. So don't just look through a glass window and let your life pass you by. Ask others to help you enjoy life. We all deserve it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

True or Fake friends

Do you really know who your true friends or fake friends are? What is the trigger point to tell you who your fake friends are?

I sometimes wonder what goes through peoples minds to choose to be a real friend or fake friend. I recently figured out who were my true friends and sympathetic to my needs.  I was not feeling well which I posted on Facebook and saw who was really watching my post.  I notice that multiple people saw the post and responded on it which I figured, But there were those who did see the posting and did not say anything. The sad part is when you expect certain people to respond which they didn't, not only responding to the posting but not even any contact anyway or form. Also this was not the only issue at the same time. My father was rushed to the hospital and was in critical condition which this was posted the same time. Guess what, these same people who claim they are friends, did not contact me to see how I was handling the situation.

There is no excuse for a person not to be sympathetic the next person. A phone call, email, twitter or even now days Facebook. It's just some way to say something nice to that person. If you were part of someones life for a brief moment or a long time standing, it is appropriate to show some compassion to that person. If something happened to you, do you expect some compassion back? We live in a world that everyone needs to be nicer to each other.  True friends will always be there no matter the situation but we need to get rid of all those fake friends because they are a drain to you life.

So are you a true friend to someone or are you one of those fake friends?