Friday, March 13, 2015

Adapting to your surrounding

Do you adapt to your surrounding quickly or does it time for you to adapt to your new surroundings? Do you ever adapt or fight your surrounding?

As I contemplate on my surroundings I realized that I do change to adapt to my surrounding. I look back in my pass and I've made changes multiple time to make life easier for me. No, I don't change my personality but change my focus on what I do that makes it easier to focus on my future. For example: one relationship I went to Opera's, another I stop going to sporting games because my partner was not into sports. Also moving to different cities or state may make a difference of what your future focus will be. I lived in Hawaii, California and now Kansas. They are all different life styles and different focus on life.

I personally take time to warm up to the idea of changes. Meeting or seeing someone new, I tend to be a little shy or cold until I feel comfortable. As others due, I try to figure out what the situation or person is all about first before I feel comfortable. Yes, all my relationship was not full force at first. I was a little intimidated by the other person before I felt comfortable with the person. Normally the other person would not shy me away because of that. They figured out that I was not so sure of the situation and was okay with it. I don't know how they knew but they did and things got really great. Even moving to new state, I tend to not do much until I figure the place out. What they have to offer or what areas are safe. I am still trying to learn about Kansas City because I really don't know the areas yet. I've been here in the city for about a little over a year and still have been only to certain areas. One day I'll be ready to do more things.

How are you with new relationships or moving to places? Or even new jobs. A new job scares me a lot. You know people are watching you and you can't screw up. Now this is a major situation that lots of people goes through.  How do you handle it?

In any case, be yourself.  I've learned the hard way and people will think of you the way they want to. You can't change others but you can improve yourself in life.

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