Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Commercials and Shows

Darn commercials and TV shows.  As we get closer to February 14th (Valentine's Day) the commercials and shows starts their romantic series. As a single person, do you hate when these shows and commercial reflect all romantic themes? Yes I said "hate". 

Last night every show I watched had some sort of romance in it; The only thing that caught my attention which I am not sure if it's true because it has never not happened to me.  These people who broke up tend to go on as friends and not have any hangups on what went wrong. Even though in the back of their minds they keep wondering of the past but it does not hold them back from going on with the present. As a person who has been in a relationship before, I try always kept friends with my exes til today.  I try not to keep friendship from a far. If they came into your life, there is a reason for them being there. Do you walk away from a friend once your relationship ends? Or do you try to be friends?

This is time of the year love is in the air because of all the promotions that are staring in our faces. It is good for people who are in a relationship but for us single people we have to see all these things and wonder what if? Or what can we do to enjoy this special day for couples as a single person.  Since it's has been a few years for me, I tend to stay home and watch some sort of funny show.  This year I thought it would have been different but things did not workout in my favor. I was really looking forward for Valentine's Day and figuring out how I would celebrate it. As faith intervened, I am still single. So a night of funny movies will in my future.  How do you spend your Valentine's Day? Do you just go out and enjoy it anyway?   Or are you like me and just chill out at home.  How ever you enjoy that day, make it a great one.

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