Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Looking through a glass window

Do you ever think you are looking through glass windows when it comes to life?

As I sit here looking out the window into our somewhat nice weather. I wonder does other people stand outside of my life looking in? I keep wondering if there's people who are looking at me and wondering what is going on with me. Our lives are not like windows but we are translucent to others. Our action and mentality shows through us. Yes there are times when we are not translucent because we are afraid or can't figure out the next person.  If you spend enough time with that person, you'll see that they are not what you thought they were. Or they are more than what you have hoped for. We all like to look at other people and form our own opinion of others but opinion is just that "your opinion". Do you form an opinion of others before you really get to know the person?

Now in my older years, I tend to just go with flow.  I try not to make any opinion of others because somehow I always get it wrong. I try my hardest to treat everyone as equal because we are. Looking through life, I am not the greatest or perfect person but I have one thing I can say, I treat life with great respect. I thank God every morning I get up and thank God for the day I've had. As a single person, we are missing the family gathering or support from family members but God is always there to fill the missing aspect of our life. Don't get me wrong, this is the longest I've ever been single since I was 25 years old but I'm holding on to my faith, God will find the right person to fill the empty part of my life. As for now, God will be that person. I will never replace God but one day my life will be filled with happiness and joy once again.

Do you just look through windows to see how others live there lives? Or do you do something to make things happen for you? I know several people who just tend to let life pass them by. If I had the ability to make people happy, I want to help you. So don't just look through a glass window and let your life pass you by. Ask others to help you enjoy life. We all deserve it.

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