Wednesday, January 28, 2015

All about Religion

What's on my mind today? Religion.

My readers on this page or my other page are majority Catholics, which I was raised as a catholic too. Since I got older I have changed religion but still have the catholic in me. I am a member of non-denominational church called MCC which I've been a member for many years. I have seen many changes while a member of MCC. Some good and some bad.

Because I was baptized as Catholic I really can't remember all the changes that has happened back than since I was young and it has been many years since than. I know I've seen different priest at our church throughout the years. As an adult, things are making sense of what's happening when it comes to attending churches and the politics that comes with it. The major thing I remember looking back is that the priest played a major part of the congregation and keeping it's parish together.  I remember going to the church on a week day praying for things that has gone wrong and always a priest was there because he lived on the premises which the doors were always open to the public.  I am not sure if Catholic churches still have open door polices since I've been attending a different type of church. I am not sure what's happening now days with the Catholics. Do you know if the doors are always open to the public?  Has things changed since I was younger regarding open door polices for the Catholic church?

I have notice more and more churches are just there for Sunday's Services. I attended a church close to me where I live (not an MCC church), not even the church staff was there doing the week. The only time I've seen anyone there is when there was a function or  Sunday Service. I know these people still gets paid as a staff member but they work from home as they say. So what happens to the building while parishioners wants to pray at the house of the lord? I know where ever you pray God can hear you but like when I was young, it was nice to be in the house of lord. Other churches I see they have their staff there but it's only for church business and not for anyone who wants to just pray in the house of lord.

Has things changed so much that we only have Sunday Services or special functions? In my opinion, I think since majority of the churches own their own building, they should open it up to the public. Hey, maybe that one or several people who goes to pray doing the week would donate to the churches donation box and not only in a Sunday Service. Churches now days are suffering financially with their budget but opening to new idea or concepts on going back to how it was, could be an option to receive more money.   I don't know, what do you think? I know I always did put something in the donation box when I went doing the week which I felt I needed to. So this is something you should think about regarding the church you attend.

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