Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Date for Valentine's Day

As a single person, how do you find a Valentine's Day date?

Since I've been out of the loop for many years, how do you find a date for Valentine's Day? What is your secret in finding a date on that special day?

This will be my third Valentine's Day without a date since my late partner passed. But this year I am willing and should find a date for that special day. I just need to see what's out there. Who knows, maybe there is a special person that would be the right person for me. Not that I am searching for that special person but who knows. Since moving to Kansas City from the country it is very difficult to make new friends in the life style. Don't get me wrong, I've met other nice people here but no one in particular to date. The city should have a variety of people to choose from but I haven't found that particular person yet. With my past history, I've met people from other states or city which somewhat worked out fine because I've moved there when the timing was right. This time I am starting slow and finding a date first to see how it goes.  I think Valentine's Day could be fun with the right person.

Where and how do you find a date for Valentine's Day? I know it is normally for couples but single people can find a date on that special day to just enjoy like the rest of them.  Are you single and searching for that special friend to enjoy on that day?  If so, good luck and have fun.

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