Saturday, January 24, 2015

Letting go

When and how do you let go? This is a good question.

From my experience it's very hard to let go things that you can't change. To accept the changes in your life is a major thing to do. People always say one day at time but does it really work? This could be one way of doing it but I've tried it and boy it's a nightmare. Letting go is one thing I've never been able to do. My mind does it's own thing and at night when you're trying to sleep, those things that you're trying to put behind you keeps appearing in your head. I've had numerous sleepless nights just because of things I can't change. How do you do it? There's always sleeping pills which some could be addictive and become a must every night. I know because I have prescription sleeping pills which I don't use.  I try to sleep on my own and not with any prescription to do so. Do you use drugs to sleep?

I am learning how to write things down for things I can not change. By writing things down, it kind of help me by letting the situation relax my mind. Does it really work? Well it's all depends on the person and situation. I know it will never leave your mind but at least you'll have some sort of stress release. Meditation is another way of releasing stress that keeps your mind relaxed. I one have never really learned how to meditate. Yes, I've learned how to sit quietly and pray for forgiveness, thanking God for what he's done for me and prayers for others who needs it. But trying to remove the situation that haunts you at night, I have not figured it out. How do you do it? For me I spend my day with house work and I listen to christian music all day. Between chores, gym and spending time with my dog, I tend to sit quietly and sort things in the mind. I know my limits of what I can and can't handle so doing this it helps me stay sane. I know there are people out there that it affects them very hard and they have to seek professional assistance.  Since I tend to live a simple and christian life, I know things will work out the way God intends. So I lift everything up to God.  (sorry to those people who does not believe in God, nothing against you. It's your prerogative) This is how I have done it for years. Do you do the same?

So this is really something to thing about on how you deal with changes in your life.

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