Saturday, January 17, 2015

Today as I sit here like every morning having my breakfast before heading to the gym. I realized that there are lots of hatred out there in the world. I think the world has forgotten how to "forgive" the errors of people's ways.

As my previous postings of things gone wrong in my life, I've learned how to forgive and move on. I chuck it up to learning experiences and that's part of life. Are you able to do that?  As single person, it's not easy but it's how you deal with life as it comes. As for me, I live a Christian life and that's how I live my life. I leave it up to GOD to show me my path.

Are you living the way you want to?  I don't mean the physical way but mentally. I know life is tough out there especially with poverty, anger and craziness but it's how you deal with life mentally. Be strong and live the life that makes you feel good inside with things that helps you enjoy life. So go out there and make a difference in the world for you and others.

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