Sunday, January 18, 2015

Do people really takes to heart of what other people suggest or say? I am wondering what people say or do when they are up against the wall about their actions they've done or planning to do.

Today at church, it was strange because the sermon was about what I was talking about yesterday "Forgiveness".  Also the pastor talked about "Afraid". Yes they both come together in ways we all could not imagine.


Late last night I sent a text to someone who needed to hear the real reason why I left the gift behind in their possession which it was gifted from this person. It's been three weeks (give or take) and I haven't told this person why I somewhat did not accept the gift. Yes, it's has taken this long because I was afraid of the response I would get. I forgave any wrong doing of each others side but I was not ready for the heartfelt argument. I don't expect any response from the text I sent but forgiving this person is all I can do.

As you can see people deal with all type of situation differently. How do you deal with situations? Do you just walk away or ignore the other person by wishing it would just go to the way side? Or do you confront the issue at hand right away?  How ever you deal with any situation, you just need to remember that you are special and know one can take that away from you.

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