Monday, January 12, 2015

Since I don't have a place or anyone to talk to, I'm doing this here. I am changing all my electronics to reflect things that are happening in my current life. In order for me to start a new life, I must remove all phones reflecting my late partner. George I hope you understand but it's been two years and I'm holding on to what I had. It's time to hold you in my heart and look for my future. Not sure what's ahead in the future but it should be great.

I tried getting out there and got my first heartbreak. I don't understand what happened but only God knows what happened because the guy has stopped all communications with me after he ended my vacation early. Yes I don't understand but I hope one day it will be clearer.

I miss him and think of him a lot. It's been couple of weeks now and I've hoped it would go away but his always on my mind. I wonder if there's any good way to move on from this feeling?  I just have to try.

Lost in memories.

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